Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Crafty Goings-on!

Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I just love crafts of all kinds; I knit, crochet, sew, embroider, decoupage, you name it I’ve usually had a go!

CID looks after and supports many, many children in Romania, not only in our hospices but in the wider community; children who, without our help, would be cold in the ferocious winters (typically -20C). I run a Handcrafters’ Guild for the charity and the ladies (and one man!) spend their time knitting/crocheting blankets, jumpers, cardigans, hats, scarves, gloves/mittens, socks and toys for the children. Can you begin to imagine the joy of receiving a beautifully crafted warm blanket or a brand new jumper or cardigan?  “My” ladies (and Rod) don’t stop there though; they also make items to sell at events here in the UK to raise the money to keep our projects going in Romania and also the money to ship the handcrafted items over there. 

Last year, on behalf of the Handcrafters’ Guild, I shipped over 19,000 items to help clothe the children and this year it is already looking as if we will exceed that amount!  Add that to the financial donations and other donations in kind and it makes you realise that there are some wonderfully generous folk out there just willing to help others less fortunate than themselves.

Easter found us knitting chickens (stuffed with a Cadbury’s Crème Egg) to raise money (over £600) and now we are busy knitting Christmas Puddings (to be stuffed with a Ferrero Rocher chocolate), crocheting bunting (very “in” at the moment!), making rag wreaths to sell at Christmas events and much, much more.  I thought I would treat you to a preview of some of these items……………hopefully it may inspire you to join in and make either something to be sent to Romania or something to sell at one of our events. 
Pat with a blanket made to go to Romania
Blue & White Rag Wreath for sale
Mutlicoloured Rag Wreath for sale
For the last two years we have had a stall at Ely Cathedral Gift & Food Fair and raised over £4,000 each year – all thanks to our “crafty” supporters.  When I took the position of Funding Development Manager with the charity, little did I realise that I could combine two of the loves of my life (the children and my crafts); it has become a real money spinner for the charity and also helps folk here too in that they can knit until their heart’s content knowing that they are helping others.
Jane x

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