Sunday, September 14, 2014


Have you heard that old saying 'without vision the people perish'?  Never has that saying become more true than it is in these times and I know it's true because I've seen it with my own eyes and I have seen how people come alive when they begin to take hold of their vision. 

You see, there is more to life, and it lies in your vision.  CID has a vision and 3-4 times a year we publish our magazine called Vision.  Why is it called Vision?  Because as a charity we have a vision of what we would like to see happen with our projects in Romania, what we would like to achieve and each Vision magazine tells the story of what we are achieving and, more importantly, how we are achieving it.

Your vision is what you create because of the things you do. So, in our appeals to you we tempt you with our vision of what we would like to achieve; it then becomes your vision and we then share the same goal.  So, our vision of the world as it should be is created out of your efforts and your achievements.  We couldn’t look after the number of children we do without you sharing our vision

In a moment of spontaneity, it may seem, and actually be, exciting to simply wade into something without giving due thought to your vision and set off to wherever the roads may take you - to go on an adventure into the unknown with no clue where you are headed.  But, if you live your whole life that way, or, in our case, if we steer our organisation that way, the result will always be unfulfilled potential.

And that's why vision is so important - because it gives direction and purpose to your adventure into life;  it gives you a point of focus that, whichever way that mystery and adventure towards your vision may lead you, keeps you on track.

There is more to life, and you were meant to live life in all its fullness and we believe that the children in our care were also meant to live life in all its fullness which is why, as we enter our 25th anniversary, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing our vision.

Next Sunday I will travel to Romania with a party of supporters who will see at firsthand  what  our joint vision has achieved.


Jane x

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